

Europe after the World War II was ruined not only physically, but its economy was destroyed. The politicians, advised by the economists became aware of the fact that if they want a prosperity and peace in Europe must overcome the rivalry among the European countries, inherited from previous periods of time. In the middle of XX century the branch for charcoal and steel output was a source of military power. Sharing the resources of trade among the European countries would lead to uniting the efforts for restoring and development of their economies.

On May 9, 1950 Robert Shuman, a minister of foreign affairs of France, presented his declaration to the international press in Paris. By it he appealed to France, Germany and other European countries to unite their production of charcoal and steel as "first real step to the creation of the European federation ". Robert Shuman suggested an above national European institution to be established, which to manage the branch. Countries, to which Shuman’s appeal is directed, until recently have been participated in a destructive military conflict among them. On that day the beginning of uniting of the countries of Europe and supporting peaceful relations among the countries of Europe was stated. This suggestion stayed in history as "Shuman’s Declaration" and it is considered to be the base of the up to date United Europe, a beginning of the taken direction to a community of shared values and common interests.

In 1985 leaders of the countries of the European Union, on a meeting held in Milan, decided May 9th to be celebrated as the Day of Europe.

From then until nowadays 9th of May symbolizes the pursuit for unity, peace and prosperity in Europe. The Day of Europe in an occasion for organizing festive events in many European countries. This is one more way for people from different nations to feel like united Europeans. In 2007 this day will be celebrated for 9th time in a row also in many Bulgarian towns and municipalities.